Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Kenji Kawai - 傀儡謡 陽炎は黄泉に待たむと (Kugutsu-uta: kageroi wa yomi ni matamu to) versuri traducere în engleză


The heat haze is probably waiting in the underworld

The heat haze is probably waiting in the underworld.
The heat haze is probably waiting in the underworld.
The blooming flowers offer prayers to the gods.
In the world I live in, my existence is sad, but...
Dreams fade away, while holding onto grudges.
Fading away while holding grudges.
In the sad perpetual darkness of a hundred nights,
Praying for the silkworm's rebirth to the imperial deity.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Kenji Kawai

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